SDGs in Language Education in Higher Education
This bibliography will be updated on an ongoing basis as additional publications are located and new ones are released.
Language Policy and the SDGs
Holmes, J., Moraes-Oli R., Rickards, L., Steele, W., Hotker, M., & Richardson, A. (2022). Online learning and teaching for the SDGs – Exploring emerging university strategies. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 23(3). 503–521.
McEntee-Atalianis, L.J., Tonkin, H. (eds) (2023). Language and Sustainable Development. Language Policy, 32. Springer.
Non-language Specific Approaches to Integrating the SDGs in Language Curricula
Fill, A., & Muhlhausler, P., (eds.). (2001). The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment. Continuum.
Fill, A. & Penz, H., (eds.). (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics. Routledge.
Kopina, H. (2020). Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG): What Is wrong with ESDGs, and what can we do better. Education Sciences, 10 (261), 1-14.
Maijala, M., Gericke, N., Kuusalu, S. R., Heikkola, L. M., Mutta, M., Mäntylä, K., & Rose, J. (2023). Conceptualising transformative language teaching for sustainability and why it is needed. Environmental Education Research, 30(3), 377–396.
Melin, C. (2019). Foreign language teaching and the environment: Theory, curricula, institutional structures. The Modern Language Association of America.
Olsson, D., Gericke, N., & Boeve-de Pauw, J. (2022). The effectiveness of education for sustainable development revisited – a longitudinal study on secondary students’ action competence for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 28(3), 405–429.
Oseki, K., & McManus, K. M. (2021). Living as Global Citizens: An Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals. Nan’un-do.
Römhild, R. The sound of curricular silence: a critical review of Germany’s foreign language curriculum. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 39, 101-117.
Stibbe, A. (ed.). (2009). The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: Skills for a Changing World. Green Books.
Stein-Smith, K. (2016). The role of multilingualism in effectively addressing global issues: the sustainable development goals and beyond. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(12), 2254-2259.
Stein-Smith, K. (2016). The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stibbe, A. (2020). Ecolinguistics: Language, Ecology and the Stories We Live by. Routledge.
Approaches to Integrating the SDGs in Language Curricula
Ferry, M. M. (2021). Project-based language learning: Addressing cultural and linguistic diversity issues in climate action. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 50-64). Routledge.
Calle Díaz, L. (2017). Citizenship education and the efl standards: a critical reflection. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 19(1), 155-168.
Cordova M (2024) Integrating sustainable development goals in English language and literature teaching. Frontiers in Education. 9:1330034.
Jodoin, J and Singer, J (2019) A framework for integrating education for sustainable development in the English as a foreign language classroom in Japan: an appeal to the language teaching community’, Osaka JALT Journal , 6, 51-66.
Mambu, J. E. (2022). Embedding sustainable development goals into critical English language teaching and learning. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20(1), 46–76 .
Rafiee Moghadam, N., Haddad Narafshan, M., & Anjomshoa, L. (2022). Education for sustainable development: Effects of sustainability education on English language learners’ empathy and reading comprehension. The Journal of Environmental Education, 53(5), 280–289.
Sasajima, S., Kojima, S., Abe, N., Sato, M., Kudo, T., & Kavanagh, B. (2021). CLIL SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals. Sanshusha.
Sheridan, R., & Tanaka, K. (2024), Global issues in local contexts: Japanese university EFL learners' reactions to the development of relevant and engaging SDGS materials, TESL-EJ, 8, 1,
Woźniak, M. (2022). Cultural literacy and sustainable development through English: a look from CLIL in pharmacy. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 587-604.
Yoshihara, R., Hayashi, C., Itoi, E., Iwamoto, N., & Morrell, A. (2022). SDGs x Discussion. Kinseido.
Ge, N., Wang, E. Li, Y. (2023). Foreign language education for sustainable development in China: A case study of German language education. Sustainability, 15(8)
Kautz, E. (2016). Exploring environmental and sustainability issues in the intermediate-level foreign language curriculum. In Laurent Cammarata (ed.), Content-based foreign language teaching: Curriculum and pedagogy for developing advanced thinking and literacy skills, (pp. 234–249). New York: Routledge.
Melin, C. (2013). Climate change: A “green” approach to teaching contemporary Germany. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 46(2). 185–199.
Otto Brunold, A., Esteban Fonollosa, M. (2022). La Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible aplicada a la enseñanza-aprendizaje del alemán como lengua extranjera. Tabanque: Revista pedagógica, 34, 26-44.
Barbas-Rhoden, L. (2021). Sustainability and the pluriverse: from environmental humanities theory to content-based instruction in Spanish curricula. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 17-34). New-York: Routledge.
de la Fuente, M. J. (2021). Problem-based pedagogy for the advanced college language curriculum: becoming a multicompetent language user through sustainability education. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 66-84). New-York: Routledge.
González, A. (2020). Los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible en la enseñanza de ELE en Japón: Un método de aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras. Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, 17, 80-100.
Prádanos, L. (2015). La enseñanza del español en la era del antropoceno: Hacia la integración de la sostenibilidad en las clases de español como lengua extranjera. Hispania 98(2). 333–345.
Turpin, K. (2021). Multiliteracies pedagogy: theory to practice for scaffolding sustainability literacies. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 35-49). New-York: Routledge.
SDG Language Curriculum and Materials Development
Reisinger, D., Valnes, S., Liu, Y., & Virgüez, E. (2021). Sustainability across the curriculum: a multilingual and intercultural approach. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 198-214). New-York: Routledge.
Arslan, S., & Curle, S. (2021). Sustainable development goals in the English language high school curriculum in Turkey. European Journal of Education, 56(4), 681-695.
Fox, A., & Wogowitsch, C. (2021). Green pedagogy: Using confrontation and provocation to promote sustainability skills. IntechOpen.
Goulah, J. & Katunich, J. (eds.) (2020). TESOL and sustainability: English Language teaching in the anthropocene era. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hämäläinen, M. (2022). Ethics, dialogue and English as a lingua franca for ESD in Higher Education. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 547-565.
Kaur, K. (2022). Embed sustainability in the curriculum: transform the world. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 605-616.
Maley, A. (2022). Language teachers as eco-activists: from talking the talk to walking the walk. Journal of World Languages, 8(2), 346-370.
Maley, A. & Peachey, N. (2017). Integrating global issues in the creative English language classroom: With reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. British Council.
Marcella, V. & Samofalova, Y. (2022). Data-driven and research-based learning approaches to environmental education in university contexts: two case studies in Italy and Germany. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 567-586.
Micalay-Hurtado, M. & Poole, R. (2022). Eco-critical language awareness for English language teaching (ELT): promoting justice, wellbeing, and sustainability in the classroom. Journal of World Languages, 8(2),, 371-390.
Gabaudan, O. (2022). On a journey towards education for sustainable development in the foreign language curriculum. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 525-546.
Kern, R., & Rodic, V. (2021). Toward the greening of the intermediate French language curriculum. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 124-140). New-York: Routledge.
Reisinger, D., Valnes, S., Liu, Y., & Virgüez, E. (2021). Sustainability across the curriculum: a multilingual and intercultural approach. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 198-214). New-York: Routledge.
Ruyffelaert, A. (2022). Raising concepts and awareness of sustainability and the environment in higher education through French foreign language teaching: a multidisciplinary didactic proposal. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 617-626.
Sacco, S. J., Jones, Altina M.; & Sacco, R. L. (2014). Incorporating Global Sustainability in the Business Language Curriculum, Global Business Languages, 19(3.) Available at:
Becker, A., Glenn DeMaris, S., & Moller-Tank, B. (2013). Greening the German classroom: starting points for a cultural lesson. Die Unterrichtspraxis 46(2). 149–162.
Cattell, A., & Kleinhans, B. (2021). Toward sustainability in German curricula. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 142-158). New-York: Routledge.
Gonglewski, Margaret & Anna Helm. 2014. Sustainability pedagogies for the business language classroom. Global Business Languages 19, 3–21.
Horst, E., & Pearce. J. (2010). Foreign languages and sustainability: addressing the connections, communities, and comparisons standards in higher education. Foreign Language Annals 43(3). 365–383.
Trebiochi, C. (2022). Re-thinking the Italian curriculum: Sustainability issues in the Italian classroom and beyond. NECTFL Review, 89, 85-94.
Méndez Seijas, J & Parra, M. L. (2021). Engaging students with social, cultural, and environmental sustainability topics in the Spanish-speaking world: a reimagined beginner Spanish curriculum. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 87-104). New-York: Routledge.
Reisinger, D., Valnes, S., Liu, Y., & Virgüez, E. (2021). Sustainability across the curriculum: a multilingual and intercultural approach. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 198-214). New-York: Routledge.
Vasseur, R., & Sepúlveda, Y. (2021). Beyond the language requirement: implementing sustainability-based FL education in the Spanish foundations program. In de la Fuente, M. J. (ed). Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, (pp. 105-123). New-York: Routledge.
Language Educator SDG-Teaching Preparation
Arslan, S., & Curle, S. (2024). Institutionalising English as a foreign language for global sustainability: Teacher perceptions of education for sustainable development in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Research, 125,
Kwee, C. T. T. (2021). I want to teach sustainable development in my English classroom: A case study of incorporating sustainable development goals in English teaching. Sustainability, 13(8), 4195.
Lenkaitis, C. (2022). Integrating the United Nations’ sustainable development goals into a teacher preparation program: developing content for virtual exchanges. In S. Hilliker (Ed.), Second Language Teaching and Learning through Virtual Exchange (pp. 209-224). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Molosiwa, A.A., Boikhutso, K. (2020). Learning and Teaching Practices Promoting Education for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from Social Studies and Language Education, University of Botswana. In Nhamo, G., & Mjimba, V. (Eds) Sustainable Development Goals and Institutions of Higher Education. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham.
Sinakou, E., Donche, V., & Van Petegem, P. (2023). Teachers’ profiles in education for sustainable development: interests, instructional beliefs, and instructional practices. Environmental Education Research, 30(3), 397–418.
Smith, B., Neoh, J.Y., McDowall, A. et al. Preparing teachers for critical global and democratic practice: shifting inquiries into the teaching of democracy and global citizenship in teacher education. Curric Perspect (2024).
Sund, P., & Gericke, N. (2020). Teaching contributions from secondary school subject areas to education for sustainable development – a comparative study of science, social science and language teachers. Environmental Education Research, 26(6), 772–794.